The Truth of Truth Unveiled by Time
Bernini was considered the most talented artist and architect of his day. To me he was the greatest artist to ever live, and that is a huge statement. There are certainly contenders for the title, but it matters not a bit how you rank him, for there is no denying his genius.
So the question becomes what is Bernini trying to say to us with the sculpture? The answer to this lies in a feud with another polymath of the day. Borromini was born nine months after Bernini. They were equally talented architects, and their work is part of the glory of Rome that you can still see today. Bernini was recognized as a genius by the age of nine years of age. His father was a sculptor, and Bernini grew up in the workshop. He received recognition as an adolescent by Popes and the elite of Rome. With recognition comes great acclaim, but also resentment.
In 1623, Bernini was creating the sculpture for Carlo Borghese that can be seen today at the Borghese Gallery, but in that year a Barberini became Pope. When Pope Urban VIII ascended the throne he summoned Bernini to the court and named him the principal artist of the court. Many thought this title should go to Borromini. Pope Urban was happy to take advantage of Bernini’s talents and asked him to build clock towers on the ends of Saint Peter’s Basilica. The foundation for this had been laid by another architect, Carlos Maderno.
Long story short, the foundations were not laid strongly enough to support the weight of the new structures, and cracks developed. Bernini stopped construction and the end of the building were constructed as they are seen today.
An inquiry was held into what the cause of the potential collapse was caused by. Borromini testified against Bernini during this trial. It was a wound that was never to heal.
Bernini’s reputation was damaged and he was removed from the court after the Death of Urban VIII. The sculpture was his response. The figure of Truth is presented as being stripped of all pretense and is alone to be seen. Truth being also represented as holding up the sun with its foot on the Earth meaning that eventually the Truth will be illuminated.
In the end Bernini only finished Truth. The figure of Time was standing above Truth but he decided he didn’t need to make a further statement, and it was never finished. Although his reputation was tarnished slightly, Bernini was asked by the new Pope to complete the Chair of Saint Peter, as well as the courtyard colonnade around the piazza. He willed that the sculpture stay with the family forever because he wanted the family to always know that he was falsely accused.
In the end I think this only enriches his standing. It shows that he was human, and subject to all of the criticisms that we face today.