Korner’s Folly Kernersville NC turn of the century Home Theater
A little town in North Carolina that was once home to a man with a furniture design and manufacturing business holds one of the most unique houses that I have ever been in. The home is right on the road, and is now a museum. Nice place to spend a few hours looking at some truly unique original furniture as well as a different type of home design. We are going to look at one room, the Home Theater.
Up the stairs with a view of the stage.
The ceilings are hand painted murals. The lighting fixtures are honest reconstructions or original pieces. In fact, 90% of the furnishings of the home are original to Mr. Korner. The ballisters on the stair were manufactured by Korner’s wood plant, as were all of the gorgeous woodwork inside the house.
A part of the stage. Manufactured by the owner’s plant
As I earlier stated, the murals on the wall and ceilings were hand painted. Obviously in the late 19th century this meant a considerable amount of wealth. Mr. Korner actually made his fortune as a painter, and he painted Bull Durham Tobacco advertising on barns all over the east coast. He then came to North Carolina to begin his design business.
One of the murals in the theater area.
Final couple shots of the grand room.
More hand painted murals on the ceiling, and on the right a cello for concerts.
Public self guided tours are available Tuesday through Saturday between 10-4 and Sun from 12-4. They also have guided tours that you may purchase tickets for. The website is or you may call 336-996-7922 for further information.
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